Hi! My name is Robbie and I am a self taught fashion designer.

I am so glad you found Georgia’s Gems! Today, this is a custom and handmade swimwear brand, but it is important to share that this journey started as a healing turned hobby...

In 2013 my mother Georgia passed away unexpectedly after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She was my mother and my best friend, so this loss completely devastated me.

The grief was overwhelming my personal life but I was excelling in my professional life as a fitness/wellness entrepreneur. This imbalance was not sustainable, so one day in 2015 I prayed that God would send me a hobby. Something to honor my mother and start to heal. Immediately after this request I felt the desire to learn how to sew since my mother had passed before being able to teach me.

I bought a sewing machine on Amazon, it came the next day and I began my self taught journey that night.

However, almost immediately, I realized that I could sew intuitively - comparable to a musician who can play music but can't read it. I began sewing all kind of things: my own clothes, home decor and more. This was truly a gift from heaven.

Using my hands has healed my heart, and many years later I am grateful to share this gift that radically changed my life after loss to both service and empower women to fully live!

In addition to this, purpose is everything to me, so when Georgia's Gems originated out of my greatest tragedy I am grateful to be able to keep the sacredness and joy of this gift alive through giving back:

When you purchase any gem in pink, a portion is donated to various organizations dedicated to breast cancer awareness, research and support in underserved communities year round. 

Thank you for supporting my purpose, healing, hobby, business and lifestyle! See you on the sand.

